Activity 2A

Activity 2A – Subsurface interpretation – Development of ML approach to geoscientific data from Himalaya and adjoining regions

The identification and mapping of subsurface geologic features from surface measurements are of paramount importance for the exploration of hydrocarbons and characterization of reservoirs; delineation of water, geothermal and mineralised prospects; understanding geodynamics, basin evolution and seismo-tectonic processes. The surface seismic data are extensively used for imaging difficult terrains such as volcanic province, thrust fold belts and subduction/collisional zones. In the research Activity 2A, our objectives are to delineate subsurface geologic features, stratigraphy and properties using high resolution 2D/3D seismic and borehole data in the Himalaya and adjoin region. We also aim to develop neural-based new approaches for accelerating the process of modelling/interpretation of seismic and other geoscientific data. The research would be pursued to the available data and as well as to the data that can be procured from premier oil companies. The expertise built on AI/ML tools, seismic attributes and structural geomorphic interpretation would be utilized to achieve the goal. An attempt of procuring high-resolution 2D/3D seismic data and petrophysical logs at the foothills of NW and NE Himalaya, Indo-Gangetic plains and Bengal basin is being made from the premier oil companies.

Team Members:

Naresh Kumar (Activity In-charge)
Scientist ‘E’
Phone No: 01352525474
Email: nkd’AT’wihg[dot]res[dot]in

Priyadarshi Chinmoy Kumar
Scientist ‘C’

Phone No: 01352525454
Email: chinmoy’AT’wihg[dot]res[dot]in

Dr. Bappa Mukherjee
Scientist ‘B’

Phone No: 01352525135

Dr. Jitender Kumar
Scientist ‘B’

Phone No: 01352525458