Technical Coordination, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (TCPME) section

1. Dr. R.J.G. Perumal, Scientist ‘F’Head
2. Dr.R.K. Sehgal,Scientist ‘E’Member
3. Dr. S.S. Thakur, Scientist ‘E’Member
Technical Coordination, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Group(TCPME) ,WIHG

The TCPME, elaborated as Technical Coordination, Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation Group, was constituted by WIHG to perform the following tasks:

1.   Receiving new project proposals, prima facie examination, comments, their submission to the Director, WIHG for consideration, and their onward transmission to funding agencies.

2.   Recommending tour programs for scientists and scholars.

3.   Liaising with different stakeholders for funding including the administrative ministry.

4.   Providing scientific inputs to authorities as and when required.

5.   Providing scientific inputs to DST from time to time and attending to the parliamentary questions

6.   Arranging internal and external reviews of scientists’ work for assessment.

7.   Arranging review of progress for in-house/EMR-funded projects.

8.  Receiving and circulating abstracts for publication and conferences.

9.  Any other responsibility assigned by the Director, WIHG.